Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Software Architecture
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Are you familiar with The T...

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Yes, I am familiar with the Twelve-Factor App principles. This methodology is a set of best practices designed to enable the creation of software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications that are scalable, maintainable, and deployable across various environments without significant changes. It was first formulated by Adam Wiggins, co-founder of Heroku, to address the challenges faced by developers in building applications that function efficiently in the cloud[4][6].

The Twelve-Factor App methodology consists of twelve distinct principles:

  1. Codebase: A twelve-factor app is always tracked with version control and has just one codebase, though it may have multiple deployments[4].
  2. Dependencies: All dependencies should be declared and isolated, ensuring that no implicit reliance on system-wide packages exists[4].
  3. Config: Configuration settings that vary between deployments should be stored in the environment, keeping them separate from the code[7].
  4. Backing Services: All services the app consumes over the network are treated as attached resources, which can be attached or detached by the execution environment[4].
  5. Build, Release, Run: The codebase is transformed into a deploy through three stages: the build stage where the executable is created, the release stage where the build is combined with the config, and the run stage where the app runs in the execution environment[4].
  6. Processes: The app is executed as one or more stateless processes with data persistence handled by a backing service[4].
  7. **Port ...


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