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Can you return multiple values from a function?

Câu trả lời

Yes, you can return multiple values from a function, but the method to do so varies depending on the programming language being used. Here's a breakdown of how multiple values can be returned in different programming languages:

C and C++

In C and C++, functions typically return a single value directly. However, you can return multiple values using several techniques:

  • Pointers: You can pass the addresses of variables to the function, and the function can modify those variables directly[3].
  • Structures: You can define a structure to hold multiple values and return an instance of that structure from the function[3].
  • Arrays: Similar to pointers, you can pass an array to the function, which can then modify the contents of the array[3].
  • Class and Object (C++): In C++, you can also use a class to encapsulate multiple values and return an object of that class[3].


In JavaScript, a function can only return a single value directly. To return multiple values, you can use:

  • Arrays: By placing multiple values into an array and returning the array[2].
  • Objects: By using an object to store key-value pairs and returning the object. This method allows you to label each return value, which can make the code more readable[2].


Python provides several flexible methods for returning multiple values from a function:

  • Tuples: By default, when you return multiple values separated by commas, Python packs the...


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