Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Graph Theory
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Compare Adjacency Lists or Adjacency Matrices for Graphs representation

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When comparing adjacency lists and adjacency matrices for graph representation, it is essential to consider various factors such as space complexity, time complexity for different operations, and the specific use cases for each representation. Here is a detailed comparison:

Adjacency List


  • An adjacency list represents a graph as an array of lists. Each index in the array corresponds to a vertex, and the list at each index contains the vertices that are adjacent to that vertex.

Space Complexity

  • The space complexity of an adjacency list is $$O(V + E)$$, where $$V$$ is the number of vertices and $$E$$ is the number of edges. This makes it more space-efficient for sparse graphs (graphs with relatively few edges) [1][2][4].

Time Complexity

  • Adding a Vertex: $$O(1)$$ - Simply add a new list for the new vertex.
  • Adding an Edge: $$O(1)$$ - Append the edge to the list of the corresponding vertex.
  • Removing a Vertex: $$O(V + E)$$ - Requires updating the lists of all vertices.
  • Removing an Edge: $$O(E)$$ - Requires searching through the list to find and remove the edge.
  • Checking for an Edge: $$O(V)$$ in the worst case, as it may require searching through the list of adjacent vertices [2][4][7].

Use Cases

  • Adjacency lists are preferred for algorithms where space efficiency is crucial, such as in BFS, DFS, and Dijkstra's algorithm. They are particularly useful for sparse graphs [1][2][4].

Adjacency Matrix


  • An adjacency matrix represents a graph as a 2D array of size $$V \times V$$. Each cell $$(i, j)$$ in the matrix contains a 1 if there is an edge from vertex $$i$$ to vertex $$j$$, and 0 otherwise.

Space Complexity

  • The space complexity of an adjacency matrix is $$O(V^2)$$, regardless of the number of edges. This can be inefficient for sparse graphs but is manageable for dense graphs (graphs with many edges) [1][2][4].

Time Complexity

  • Adding a Vertex: $$O(V^2)$$ - Requires resizing the matrix.
  • Adding an Edge: $$O(1)$$ - Directly set the value in the matrix.
  • Removing a Vertex: $$O(V^2)$$ - Requires resizing the matrix.
  • Removing an Edge: $$O(1)$$ - Directly set the value in the matrix.
  • Checking for an Edge: $$O(1)$$ - Directly access the value in the matrix [2][4][7].

Use Cases

  • Adjacency...


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