Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Databases
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Define ACID Properties

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ACID is an acronym that stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. These properties are essential for ensuring the reliability and integrity of database transactions. Here is a detailed explanation of each property:


Atomicity ensures that a transaction is treated as a single, indivisible unit of work. This means that all operations within a transaction must be completed successfully for the transaction to be committed to the database. If any operation within the transaction fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, leaving the database in its previous state. This all-or-nothing approach prevents partial updates that could lead to data inconsistency[1][2][3].


Consistency ensures that a transaction brings the database from one valid state to another, maintaining the predefined rules and constraints of the database. This property guarantees that only valid data, which adheres to all integrity constraints, is written to the database. If a transaction violates any consistency rules, it is aborted and the database is rolled back to its previous consistent state[1][3][4].


Isolation ensures that concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other. Each transaction must execute in isolation from others, meaning that the intermediate state of a transaction is invisible to other transactions. This property is crucial for maintaining data integrity when multiple transactions are executed simultaneously. Different isolation levels (e.g., Read Committed, Repeatable Read, Serializable) provide varying degrees of isolation[1][2][4].


Durability guarantees that once a transaction has been committed, its changes are permanent and will survive any subsequent system failures. This means that the result...



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