Câu hỏi phỏng vấn CSS
Câu hỏi

Describe pseudo-elements and discuss what they are used for

Câu trả lời

Pseudo-elements in CSS are used to style specific parts of an element. They are like virtual elements that do not exist in the HTML document tree but can be targeted and styled using CSS. Pseudo-elements allow developers to apply styles to content that would be difficult or impossible to select and style with regular element selectors.

For example, the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements can be used to insert content before or after an element's content, respectively. This is particularly useful for adding decorative content, such as icons or stylistic flourishes, without altering the HTML structure. The content to be inserted is typically added through the content property in CSS.

Another common pseudo-element is ::first-line, which targets the first line of text within a block-level element, such as a paragraph. This can be used to create drop caps or to style the first line of text differently from the rest of the content.

The ::first-letter pseudo-element targets the first letter of a block-level element, allowing it to be styled independently of the rest of the text. This is often used for typographic effects like initial letters in printed media.

The ::selection pseudo-element applies styles to the portion of a document that has been highlighted by the user, such as changing the background color and text color of selected text.

It's important to note that pseudo-elements are always declared using a double colon (::) syntax, which distinguishes them from pseudo-classes that use a single colon (:). Pseudo-elements must be used in conjunction with a selector and are typically placed at the end of the selector chain.

Pseudo-elements enhance the capability of CS...



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