Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Kotlin
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Explain advantages of when vs switch in Kotlin

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Here are the key advantages of using when instead of switch in Kotlin:

  1. when can be used as an expression or statement, while switch is just a statement. This means when can return a value, making it more flexible[1].

  2. when has a more concise syntax compared to switch. It uses -> instead of case and break, and multiple conditions can be grouped with commas[1][3].

  3. An else branch is required for when expressions to ensure a value is always returned, making the code safer. switch relies on a default case which is optional[1][4].

  4. when can have arbitrary conditions, not just equality checks like switch. This includes ranges, object types, and boolean expressions[1][3].

  5. when can be used without an argument, checking each branch condition directly. switch requires an expression to switch on[1].

  6. **when bra...



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