Explain Android notification system
Explain Android notification system
The Android notification system allows apps to display important information to users outside of the normal app UI. Here are the key points about Android notifications:
Notifications appear as icons in the status bar and provide details when the user opens the notification drawer[1]. They allow apps to alert users about events even when the app is not running.
Android provides the NotificationCompat.Builder
class to create notifications programmatically. This allows setting the title, text, icon, and other properties of the notification[1].
There are different types of rich notifications in Android, including basic, image, progress, and list notifications. Basic notifications include a title, icon and message. Image notifications add an image preview, progress notifications include a progress bar, and list notifications display a list[2].
Action buttons can be added to notifications to allow users to take actions directly from the notification, such as opening the app, playing a song, or replying to a message[2][3].
Notifications are delivered by the operating system's push notification service, such as Google's Fi...
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