Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Concurrency
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Explain Deadlock to 5 years old

Câu trả lời

Explaining deadlock to a 5-year-old can be done using simple, relatable analogies. Here's a way to explain it:

Imagine you and your friend both want to play with two toys: a red car and a blue truck. You grab the red car, and your friend grabs the blue truck. Now, you want to play with the blue truck too, but your friend has it. At the same time, your friend wants to play with the red car, but you have it. Neither of you can play with both toys because you are both waiting for the other to let go of the toy they have. So, you both just sit there, waiting, and no one gets to play. This is called a deadlock.

In computer terms, it's like two programs or processes that each need two things to work, but they each have one thing and are waiting for the other to give up the second thing. Just like you and your friend, they get stuck waiting forever.

This analogy simplifies the concept of deadlock by using a scenario that a young child can easily understand.

[1] https://litux.nl/mirror/kerneldevelopment/0672327201/ch08lev1sec3.html
[2] https://www.studysmarter.co.uk/explanations/computer-science/computer-programming/deadlock/
[3] https://devoped...



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