Câu hỏi phỏng vấn C#
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Explain how does Asynchronous ...

Câu trả lời

Asynchronous programming with async and await in .NET allows you to write code that executes concurrently without blocking the main thread. Here's how it works:

The async keyword is used to mark a method as asynchronous. When a method is marked as async, it can use the await keyword to pause its execution and return control to its caller until the awaited asynchronous operation completes[1][2][3].

The await keyword is used to call an asynchronous method. When the await keyword is applied to an asynchronous operation, such as a method call that returns a Task, the method that contains the await statement is suspended until the awaited operation finishes[1][2][3].

While the asynchronous operation is running, the thread that was executing the method can be used to execute other code, allowing the program to remain responsive[1][2][3].

When the asynchronous operation completes, the method that contains the await statement resumes execution from the point immediately following the await statement[1][2][3].

To run multiple asynchronous tasks in parallel and wait for them all to complete, you can use the Task.WhenAll method[4][5]. This method takes an array of Task objects and returns a single Task that compl...



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