Câu hỏi phỏng vấn .NET Core
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Explain some deployment consi...

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When deploying hosted services in .NET Core, several key considerations must be taken into account to ensure smooth operation and optimal performance. Hosted services in .NET Core are typically implemented using the IHostedService interface or the BackgroundService class, and they run background tasks within an application. Here are some important deployment considerations:

1. Deployment Environment

  • IIS and App Pool Recycles: When deploying to IIS, be aware that app pool recycles can cause the hosted service to restart. This can be mitigated by configuring the app pool settings to reduce the frequency of recycles or by using a different hosting environment like Azure App Service or Kubernetes, which provides more control over the lifecycle of the application[3].
  • Windows Services: For long-running background tasks that need to run continuously, consider deploying the hosted service as a Windows Service. This ensures that the service starts with the operating system and remains running independently of user sessions[3].

2. Resource Management

  • Memory and CPU Usage: Ensure that the hosted service does not consume excessive resources, which could impact the performance of the main application. Implement proper resource management techniques, such as limiting the number of concurrent tasks and using asynchronous programming to avoid blocking threads[13].
  • Graceful Shutdown: Implement graceful shutdown logic in the StopAsync method to ensure that the hosted service can complete its current tasks and clean up resources properly before the application shuts down[3][19].

3. Configuration and Dependency Injection

  • Configuration: Use configuration files (e.g., appsettings.json) to manage settings for the hosted service. This allows for easy adjustments without modifying the code. Ensure that environment-specific configurations are properly set up to avoid issues in different deployment environments[17].
  • Dependency Injection: Register the hosted service with the dependency injection (DI) container to manage its lifecycle and dependencies. This ensures that the service is properly initialized and can access other services it depends on[16].

4. Logging and Monitoring

  • Logging: Implement comprehensive logging within the hosted service to track its activities and diagnose issues. Use structured logging to capture detailed information about the service's operations[19].
  • Monitoring: Set up monitoring and alerting for the hosted service to detect and respond to issues promptly. This can include health checks, performance metrics, and error tracking[13].

5. Scalability and Reliability

  • Scalability: If the hosted service needs to scale, consider deploying ...


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