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Explain Stateful Widge...

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Stateful Widget Lifecycle in Flutter

In Flutter, a Stateful Widget is a type of widget that can change its appearance or behavior in response to user interactions or other events. The Stateful Widget lifecycle consists of several methods that are called at different stages of the widget's lifecycle. Here's a detailed explanation of each method:

1. createState()

  • This method is called when the widget is first created.
  • It returns a State object that manages the widget's state.

2. initState()

  • This method is called immediately after the widget is created.
  • It is used to perform one-time initializations, such as setting up animations or registering event listeners.
  • It is important to note that initState() is only called once during the lifetime of the widget.

3. didChangeDependencies()

  • This method is called when the dependencies of the State object change.
  • Dependencies can include inherited widgets, Theme, or other objects that the State object relies on.
  • This method is typically used to update the state based on changes in dependencies.

4. build(BuildContext context)

  • This method is called whenever the widget needs to be rebuilt.
  • It returns a widget tree that represents the current state of the widget.
  • The build() method is called whenever the widget's state changes or when the widget's dependencies change.

5. **didUpdateWidget(covariant T oldWidget)...



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