Câu hỏi phỏng vấn SOA
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Explain the messag...

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The <message> element in WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is a fundamental component that describes the data being exchanged between a web service provider and a consumer. Here is a detailed explanation:

Overview of the <message> Element

  • Purpose: The <message> element defines the structure of the data that is transmitted in a web service operation. It specifies the format of the input and output data for the operations defined in the WSDL document.
  • Components: Each <message> element can contain one or more <part> elements, which represent the individual parameters or return values of the web service operation.

Structure and Syntax

A typical <message> element is defined as follows:

<message name="MessageName">
    <part name="PartName" type="xsd:DataType"/>
  • name Attribute: This attribute provides a unique name for the message within the WSDL document.
  • <part> Element: Each <part> element within a <message> specifies a part of the message. The name attribute of the <part> element gives a name to the part, and the type attribute specifies the data type of the part, typically using XML Schema data types (e.g., xsd:string, xsd:int).


Consider a simple web service operation that greets a user. The WSDL might define the following messages:

<message name="SayHelloRequest">
    <part name="firstName" type="xsd:string"/>

<message name="SayHelloResponse">
    <part name="greeting" type="xsd:string"/>

In this example:

  • The SayHelloRequest message contains a single part named firstName of type xsd:string, representing the input parameter for the operation.
  • The SayHelloResponse message contains a single part named greeting of type xsd:string, representing the output of the operation.

Abstract vs. Concrete Messages

  • Abstract Definition: The <message> element provides an abstract definition of the data structure. It does not specify how the data is transmitted over the network.
  • Concrete Binding: The actual transmission details are defined in the binding section of the WSDL, which maps the abstract messages to a concrete protocol and data format (e.g., SOAP, HTTP).




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