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How do you check if an async void method is completed in Dart?

Câu trả lời

To check if an async void method is completed in Dart, you can use the Future.catchError() method to handle any errors that might occur during the execution of the async void method. Here's an example:

dart Copy
void myAsyncVoidMethod() async {
  try {
    // Perform some asynchronous operation
    await someAsyncOperation();
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle any errors that occur during the async operation
    print('Error: $error');

void main() {
  myAsyncVoidMethod().whenComplete(() {
    // This callback is executed when the async void method completes
    print('myAsyncVoidMethod completed');
  }).catchError((error) {
    // This callback is executed if an error occurs during the async void method
    print('Error: $error');

In this example:

  1. The myAsyncVoidMethod() is an async void method that performs some asynchronous operation and handles any errors using a try-catch block.

  2. In the `mai...



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