Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Spring
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How do you define a bean scope?

Câu trả lời

To define a bean scope in Spring, you specify the lifecycle and visibility of a bean within the application contexts it is used. The Spring framework supports several scopes, but the most commonly used are singleton and prototype. Additionally, there are web-aware scopes like request, session, application, and websocket.

Here's how you can define a bean scope:

  1. Annotation-based Configuration: You can use the @Scope annotation on the bean definition to specify its scope. For example, to define a singleton scope (which is the default), you can use @Scope("singleton") or simply omit the scope as singleton is the default. For a prototype scope, you would use @Scope("prototype").

    public class MyPrototypeBean {
        // class body
  2. Java-based Configuration: When using Java configuration, you can use the @Bean annotation along with @Scope in a configuration class.

    public class AppConfig {
        @Scope("singleton") // This is optional as singleton is the default scope
        public MySingletonBean mySingletonBean() {
            return new MySingletonBean();
        public MyPrototypeBean myPrototypeBean() {
            return new MyPrototypeBean();
  3. XML-based Configuration: In XML conf...



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