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How does thread synchronization occurs inside a mon...

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Thread synchronization inside a monitor in Java is a crucial mechanism for managing the access of multiple threads to shared resources, ensuring that only one thread can access a particular resource at a time. This is achieved through the use of locks or monitors associated with the objects.

How Thread Synchronization Occurs Inside a Monitor

  1. Lock Acquisition: When a thread enters a synchronized block or method, it attempts to acquire a lock on the object's monitor. If the lock is already held by another thread, the entering thread is blocked until the lock becomes available.

  2. Lock Release: Once the thread completes its execution of the synchronized block or method, it releases the lock on the monitor, allowing other waiting threads to attempt to acquire the lock and proceed with their execution.

  3. Monitor Regions: A monitor ensures that only one thread can execute a "monitor region" (a block of code marked as synchronized) at a time. This is enforced by the lock associated with the monitor. If a thread is executing a synchronized method of an object, any other thread that attempts to execute any synchronized method on the same object will be blocked until the first thread exits the method[6][7].

  4. Wait and Notify Mechanisms: Monitors also support methods like wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() from the Object class, which are used for inter-thread communication. The wait() method causes the current thread to release the lock and enter the wait set for the object, while notify() or notifyAll() wakes up threads that are waiting on the object's monitor[6][7].

Levels of Synchronization

  1. Object Level Lock: This is the most common form of synchronization, where a lock is associated with an instance of a class. Synchronizing an instance method or an instance code block (synchronized block within a method that uses the instance itself as the lock) ensures that only one thread can access the synchronized sections of an instance at a time[1][...


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