Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Flutter
Câu hỏi

How is InheritedWidget different from Provider ?

Câu trả lời

InheritedWidget and Provider are both used for state management in Flutter, but they have some key differences:

InheritedWidget is a built-in widget in Flutter that allows you to share data across widgets in the widget tree. It works by providing a way to access a value from the nearest ancestor widget that holds the value. The main advantage of InheritedWidget is its simplicity and ease of use[1][4].

Provider is a wrapper around InheritedWidget that makes it easier to use and more reusable. By using Provider instead of manually writing InheritedWidget, you get[3]:

  • Simplified allocation/disposal of resources
  • Lazy-loading
  • Reduced boilerplate over making a new class every time
  • Devtool friendly - the state of your application will be visible in the Flutter devtool
  • A common way to consume these InheritedWidgets (See Provider.of/...


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