Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Recursion
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Is it always possible to write a non-rec...

Câu trả lời

No, it is not always possible to write a non-recursive form for every recursive function. While some recursive functions can be converted to iterative versions using loops or other techniques, there are certain types of recursive functions that cannot be easily expressed non-recursively.

Here are a few key points about the relationship between recursive and non-recursive functions:

  • Recursive functions are often used to solve problems that involve repetition or breaking down a problem into smaller sub-problems. Examples include calculating factorials, generating Fibonacci numbers, and traversing tree-like data structures[1].

  • Many recursive functions can be rewritten using loops or other iterative constructs. For example, the factorial function can be calculated iteratively using a for loop[3].

  • However, some recursive functions rely on the call stack to keep track of sub-problems and their results. These functions, such as those that generate recursive data structures like linked lists or trees, cannot be easily converted to non-recursive forms[2].

  • **Recursion is sometimes the most nat...



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What is a good example of Recursion (other than generating a Fibonacci sequence)?

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