Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Rust
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Is it possible to create a Rust function with default arguments?

Câu trả lời

In Rust, it is not possible to directly create a function with default arguments in the same way you might in languages like Python or C++. However, you can achieve similar functionality using optional parameters with the Option type or by using structs with default values. Here are a couple of approaches to simulate default arguments in Rust:

Using Option Type

You can define a function that takes Option parameters and then provide default values if None is passed.

rust Copy
fn example_function(param1: Option<i32>, param2: Option<&str>) {
    let param1 = param1.unwrap_or(10); // Default value for param1 is 10
    let param2 = param2.unwrap_or("default"); // Default value for param2 is "default"

    println!("param1: {}, param2: {}", param1, param2);

fn main() {
    example_function(Some(5), None); // param1 = 5, param2 = "default"
    example_function(None, Some("custom")); // param1 = 10, param2 = "custom"
    example_function(None, None); // param1 = 10, param2 = "default"

Using Structs with Default Values

Another approach is to use a struct with default values and then pass an instance of this struct to the function.

rust Copy
struct Params {
    param1: i32,
    param2: String,

fn example_function(params: Params) {
    println!("param1: {}, param2: {}", params.param1, params.param2);

fn main() {
    let default_params = Para...


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