Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Android
Câu hỏi

Mention the difference between RelativeLayout and LinearLayout ?

Câu trả lời

The main differences between RelativeLayout and LinearLayout in Android are:

  1. Positioning:
  • LinearLayout arranges views linearly in a horizontal or vertical orientation[1][2][5].
  • RelativeLayout allows positioning views relative to each other (e.g. to the left/right of, above/below another view) or the parent layout[1][2][5].
  1. Attributes:
  • LinearLayout uses attributes like layout_weight to specify relative sizes of views[1][5].
  • RelativeLayout uses attributes like layout_toRightOf, layout_below, layout_alignParentTop to position views[1][5].
  1. Complexity:
  • LinearLayout is simpler to use as it arranges views in a linear fashion[1][3].
  • RelativeLayout is more complex but provides more flexibility in positioning views[1][3].
  1. Performance:
  • LinearLayout has better performance, especially when the layout has many views, as it requires less internal view enumeration compared to RelativeLayout[3].
  • The more views a layout has, the more advantageous it is to use LinearLa...


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