Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Data Structures
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Name some common types and categories of Graphs

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Graphs are essential tools in data visualization, used to represent and analyze relationships between data points. Here are some common types and categories of graphs:

Common Types of Graphs

  1. Line Graphs

    • Used to display data that changes continuously over time. Line graphs are ideal for showing trends and making predictions based on historical data[1].
  2. Bar Charts

    • Useful for comparing quantities corresponding to different groups. Bar charts can be vertical or horizontal and are used to display and compare categorical data[1][2].
  3. Pie Charts

    • Represent data in a circular format, ideal for showing proportional data or percentages of a whole. Each slice of the pie corresponds to a category's contribution to the total[1][2].
  4. Histograms

    • Similar to bar charts but used specifically for quantitative data. Histograms show the distribution of data over a continuous interval or certain period[1].
  5. Scatter Plots

    • Used to determine relationships between two variables. Each point on the scatter plot denotes the value of two variables, helping to identify correlations[1][2].
  6. Bubble Charts

    • An extension of scatter plots, where each data point also has a size dimension, allowing for the representation of three data dimensions in two-dimensional space[1].
  7. Area Graphs

    • Similar to line graphs but with the area below the line filled in, emphasizing the magnitude of values over time[2].
  8. Stacked Bar Charts

    • Extend the bar chart by dividing each bar into multiple categories, showing the cumulative contribution of each category t...


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