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What Are Helpers And How To Use Helpers In ROR?

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What Are Helpers And How To Use Helpers In Ruby on Rails (ROR)?

In Ruby on Rails, helpers are modules that contain methods designed to make views more readable, maintainable, and DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). Helpers encapsulate presentation logic, allowing you to keep your views clean and focused on displaying data.

How to Use Helpers in Ruby on Rails

  1. Create a helper file: Rails automatically generates helper files for each controller you create. For example, if you have a UsersController, Rails will create a users_helper.rb file in the app/helpers directory.

  2. Define helper methods: Inside the helper file, you can define methods that will be available to your views. For example:

module UsersHelper
  def display_name(user)
    user.first_name + " " + user.last_name
  1. Call helper methods in views: In your view files (.erb or .haml), you can call the helper methods you defined. For example:
<h1>Welcome, <%= display_name(@user) %>!</h1>
  1. Use built-in helpers: Rails provides many built-in helpers that you can use in your views, such as `link_to...


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