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Pointer Types in C#

In C#, pointer types are used to directly access memory locations. Pointers allow you to manipulate memory addresses and perform low-level operations. However, it's important to note that the use of pointers in C# is restricted compared to languages like C or C++.

Here are the key points about pointer types in C#:

1. Unsafe code

To use pointers in C#, you need to declare the code block as "unsafe" using the unsafe keyword. This allows the compiler to generate code that can access memory directly.

    // Code using pointers goes here

2. Pointer declaration

Pointers in C# are declared using the * operator followed by the variable name. The type of the pointer determines the size of the memory block it can point to.

int* intPtr;
char* charPtr;

3. Pointer operations

You can perform various operations with pointers, such as:

  • Assigning memory addresses using the & operator (address-of operator)
  • Dereferencing pointers using the * operator (indirection operator) to access the value stored at the memory location
  • Incrementing or decrementing pointer...


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