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What are Property Accessors?

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Property Accessors in C#

Property accessors in C# are special methods that provide a way to control how a property's value is accessed or modified. They allow you to add custom logic when getting or setting the value of a property. There are two types of property accessors:

  1. get accessor: This accessor is used to retrieve the value of a property.
  2. set accessor: This accessor is used to assign a value to a property.

Here's an example of a property with both get and set accessors:

csharp Copy
private string _name;

public string Name
    get { return _name; }
    set { _name = value; }

In this example, the Name property has a private backing field _name. The get accessor returns the value of _name, while the set accessor assigns the value passed to it (represented by the value keyword) to _name.

You can also add custom logic inside the accessors. For example, you can perform validation or transformation of the value being set:

csharp Copy
private int _age;

public int Age
    get { return _age; }
        if (value < 0)


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