Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Trie
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What are some advantages and disadvantages of Trie?

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Here are some key advantages and disadvantages of Trie data structures:

Advantages of Tries

  • Fast lookup: Tries enable fast lookups for strings, with a time complexity proportional to the length of the string being searched, regardless of the number of keys in the trie[1][2][4][5].
  • Efficient prefix search: Tries are very efficient for finding all words that start with a given prefix, as they can quickly traverse down to the node representing the prefix and then return all words in that subtree[2][3].
  • Ordered retrieval: Tries allow for efficient retrieval of words in lexicographic order[1][2][4].
  • No need for hash functions: Unlike hash tables, tries do not require a hash function, which can be advantageous for small keys like integers and pointers[2].
  • Faster than hash tables and binary search trees for small keys[1][4].

Disadvantages of Tries

  • Higher memory usage: Tries can consume more memory than hash tables or binary search trees, as they store redundant information and require additional space for pointers[2][3][4].
  • Slower lookups than hash tables: A well-constr...


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What are some Trie implementation strategies?

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