Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Android
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What are some difference betwee...

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Here are the key differences between Parcelable and Serializable in Android:

  • Parcelable is an Android-specific interface, while Serializable is a standard Java interface[1][2].

  • Parcelable is faster than Serializable because it directly passes the object, bypassing the byte stream conversion. Serializable is slower as it involves serializing the object to a byte stream[1][3][4].

  • Parcelable objects are stored in an Android application bundle and require more time to access compared to Serializable objects which are stored in memory[2].

  • Parcelable objects are smaller in size than Serializable objects[2].

  • Parcelable requires more code to implement compared to the simple Serializable interface[1][4].

  • Parcelable supports primitive types and common collection types out of the box, while Serializable relies on Java's reflection API which can...



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