Here are the key differences between ART (Android Runtime) and Dalvik:
Compilation Approach
Dalvik uses Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, where DEX bytecode is converted to native machine code on demand when the app is launched[1][2][3]. This results in slower app startup times.
ART uses Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compilation, where DEX bytecode is fully compiled to native machine code when the app is installed[1][2][3]. This improves app launch performance.
ART provides significantly faster app performance and smoother UI compared to Dalvik[2][3]. Apps are more responsive with ART.
Battery Life
ART improves battery life by reducing CPU cycles needed to launch apps[1][2]. The AOT compilation approach is more efficient.
Storage Usage
ART requires more storage space compared to Dalvik, as the compiled native code takes up more space than DEX bytecode[2][3]. This can be an issue on low storage devices.
Boot Time
Dalvik has faster boot times since the runtime cache is built grad...