Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Xamarin
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What are some feat...

Câu trả lời

FreshMVVM is a lightweight and straightforward MVVM framework specifically designed for Xamarin.Forms. Here are some of its key features:

Key Features of FreshMVVM

  1. PageModel to PageModel Navigation:

    • FreshMVVM simplifies navigation between pages by using PageModels, which are analogous to ViewModels in traditional MVVM frameworks. This allows for a clean and intuitive navigation structure[2][3].
  2. Automatic Wiring of BindingContext:

    • The framework automatically sets the BindingContext for pages, reducing the need for boilerplate code and ensuring that the View and ViewModel are properly connected[2][3].
  3. Automatic Wiring of Page Events:

    • FreshMVVM handles common page events such as appearing and disappearing, making it easier to manage the lifecycle of pages within the application[2][3].
  4. Built-in IOC Container:

    • FreshMVVM includes an Inversion of Control (IOC) container, which facilitates dependency injection and helps manage dependencies within the application[2][3].
  5. PageModel Constructor Injection:

    • Dependencies can be injected directly into the constructors of PageModels, promoting a clean and testable architecture[2][3].
  6. Basic Methods on PageModel:

    • FreshMVVM provides basic methods such as Init and ReverseInit on PageModels. These methods help initialize data when a page is created and handle data when a page is popped from the navigation stack[2][3].
  7. Built-in Navigation Containers:

    • The framework includes built-in navigation containers for different navigation patterns, such as SimpleNavigation, Tabbed, and MasterDetail. This makes it easier to implement complex navigation scenarios[2][3].
  8. Convention over Configuration:

    • FreshMVVM follows a convention over configuration approach, which simplifies the setup process by adhering to naming conventions and reducing the need for explicit ...


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