Câu hỏi phỏng vấn C#
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What are the differences betwe...

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Here are the key differences between IEnumerable and IQueryable in C#:

Execution of Queries

  • IEnumerable: Queries are executed on the client-side, meaning the entire data set is retrieved from the data source and processed in memory.
  • IQueryable: Queries are executed on the server-side, allowing the data source to handle the query processing and return only the necessary data.

Deferred Execution

  • IEnumerable: Queries are executed when the result is accessed (e.g., when iterating over the collection using a foreach loop).
  • IQueryable: Queries are executed when the result is accessed, but the query is translated into a data source-specific query language (e.g., SQL for a database).

Filtering and Projection

  • IEnumerable: Filtering and projection operations are performed on the client-side using LINQ methods like Where(), Select(), etc.
  • IQueryable: Filtering and projection operations are translated into data source-specific query language and executed on the server-side.

Lazy Loading

  • IEnumerable: Data is loaded eagerly, meaning the entire data set is retrieved fro...


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