What Are The Various Components Of Rail?
What Are The Various Components Of Rail?
The main components of Ruby on Rails are:
ActiveRecord: An ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) layer that provides an abstraction for interacting with databases. It allows you to work with database tables as if they were Ruby classes[2].
ActionController: Handles incoming web requests, extracts parameters, and performs the appropriate actions, such as rendering views or redirecting to other actions[2].
ActionView: Responsible for rendering views, which are templates that generate the output sent back to the client (usually HTML)[2].
ActionMailer: Provides a framework for creating and sending emails from your Rails application[2].
ActionCable: Enables real-time communication between the server and client, allowing for features like chat, notifications, and collaborative editing[2].
ActionText: Allows you to add rich text capabilities to your Rails application, enabling users to create and edit content with formatting, embedded images, and other media[2].
ActionJob: Provides a way to execute background jobs asynchronously...
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