Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Javascript
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What do you think of AMD vs CommonJS?

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Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) and CommonJS are both module definition systems that have played significant roles in the evolution of JavaScript, particularly in managing dependencies and modularizing code. Each has its strengths and is suited to different environments and use cases.

AMD is designed with the browser environment in mind. It supports asynchronous loading of modules, which means that scripts can be loaded in parallel, potentially improving the load time of web applications. This is particularly beneficial for large-scale applications that rely on numerous and sizeable modules. AMD's most popular implementation is RequireJS, which allows for the dynamic loading of JavaScript resources. The AMD specification enables developers to define modules and their dependencies using a define function, which can help in organizing code and managing module lifecycles[2][3][4].

On the other hand, CommonJS takes a server-first approach, with a focus on synchronous loading of modules. This is well-suited for server-side environments like Node.js, where modules are loaded from the local filesystem, and thus, synchronous loading does not incur the performance penalty it would in a browser. CommonJS modules are straightforward to write and use, with a simple require function for loading modules and module.exports for exporting them. This simplicity has made CommonJS a popular choice for server-side development[2][3][6].

However, the synchronous nature of CommonJS can be a drawback when it comes to browser-based applications, as it can lead to increased page load times due to the sequential loading of modules. Tools like Browserify and Webpack can be used to bundle CommonJS modules for use in the browser, but this introduces an additional build step[2][5].

The Universal Module Definition (UMD) pattern attempts to bridge the gap between AMD and CommonJS, allow...



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