What exactly is mark...
What exactly is mark...
A marker interface in Java, also known as a tagging interface, is an interface that does not contain any methods, fields, or constants. Its primary purpose is to provide a way to associate metadata with a class that implements the interface, thereby conveying additional information about the class's behavior to the Java compiler and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)[1][2][3][4][6][10].
Marker interfaces are used to indicate certain behaviors or capabilities of a class that implements them. For example, a class that implements the Serializable
interface is flagged to the JVM as being capable of serialization, which is the process of converting an object's state to a byte stream so that the object can be easily saved to a file or transmitted over a network[1][2][6]. Other common marker interfaces include Cloneable
, which indicates that the JVM can safely clone instances of the class, and Remote
, used in Java's Remote Method Invocation (RMI) to indicate that an object can be called from a remote virtual machine[1][2][3][6].
Implementing a marker interface is straightforward since the interface itself does not contain any methods to implement. The presence of the interface in a class's implementation declaration serves as a signal to the JVM and other components of the Java runtime environment. For instance, when a class is marked as Serializable
, the JVM knows to treat instances of this class differently when serializing and deserializing objects[1][2][6].
While marker interfaces have been a traditi...
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