Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Kotlin
Câu hỏi

What is a purpose of Companion Objects in Kotlin?

Câu trả lời

The purpose of companion objects in Kotlin is to provide a way to define class-level variables and methods, similar to static members in Java and other languages[1][2]. Companion objects allow you to access data and behavior that is tied to a class itself, rather than instances of the class[4].

Some key points about companion objects:

  • They are declared using the companion keyword inside a class[1][2]
  • Variables and functions defined in a companion object can be accessed using the class name, without needing to create an instance of the class[1][2][4]
  • Companion objects are initialized when the class is loaded, similar to static initializers[1]
  • They can access private members of the enclosing class[2]
  • Companion objects are not the same as singletons in Kotlin. Singletons are created using the object keyword[1].

Companion objects are useful for:

  • Defining constants or configuration value...


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