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What is BASE prop...

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The BASE property of a system is a concept that contrasts with the traditional ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties used for database transactions. BASE stands for Basically Available, Soft state, and Eventual consistency. It is often associated with distributed systems and NoSQL databases where achieving high availability and scalability is prioritized over strict consistency.

  • Basically Available indicates that the system guarantees availability in terms of being able to perform operations (reads and writes), even in the presence of partial failures or network partitions. This does not mean the system is always 100% available, but it aims to be as available as possible under all conditions.

  • Soft state means that the state of the system may change over time, even without input. This is due to the system's need to manage replication and consistency in a distributed environment. The state of the system is not fixed; it can be modified and might not be immediately consistent across all nodes.

  • Eventual consistency is a consistency model which allows for temporary inconsistencies between distributed copies. Over time, however, all copies will converge towards a consistent state. This means that if no new updates are made to a given data item, eventually all accesses to that item will return the same value.

The BASE model is particularly useful in distributed systems where achievi...



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