Câu hỏi phỏng vấn .NET Core
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What is CTS?

Câu trả lời

The Common Type System (CTS) in .NET Core is a standard that specifies how type definitions and specific values of types are represented in computer memory. It is a fundamental component of the .NET Framework's runtime engine, known as the Common Language Runtime (CLR). CTS enables cross-language integration, type safety, and high-performance code execution by defining a set of common data types and rules for how these types are declared, used, and managed at runtime.

Key Functions of CTS:

  1. Cross-Language Integration: CTS allows programs written in different programming languages to interact seamlessly. For example, a variable declared as int in C# and Integer in VB.NET both map to the same Int32 type in CTS, ensuring compatibility and interoperability between languages[1][2][4][5].
  2. Type Safety: CTS enforces strict type safety, ensuring that data types are used correctly and consistently across different languages. This helps prevent type errors and enhances the reliability of the code[1][2][4][6].
  3. High-Performance Code Execution: By providing a common set of data types and rules, CTS enables the CLR to optimize code execution, leading to better performance[1][2][4][5].

Components of CTS:

  • Value Types and Reference Types: CTS defines both value types (e.g., Int32, Boolean) and reference types (e.g., String, Object). Value types are stored directly in memory, while reference types store a reference to the actual data[1][2][3][5].
  • Object-Oriented Model: CTS supports an object-oriented programming model, allowing for the implementation of classes, structures, enumerations, interfaces, and delegates. This model facilitates the creation of complex data structures ...


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