Câu hỏi phỏng vấn GraphQL
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What is GraphQL schema ?

Câu trả lời

A GraphQL schema is a fundamental component of any GraphQL server implementation. It serves as a blueprint that defines the structure and capabilities of the data that can be queried or mutated by client applications. Here are the key aspects of a GraphQL schema:

Definition and Purpose

  • Core Functionality: The schema describes the functionality available to client applications, detailing what data can be queried and what operations can be performed[1][2].
  • Type System: It defines a collection of types and the relationships between them. These types include scalar types (like Int, Float, String, Boolean, and ID), object types, input types, enumeration types, union types, and interface types[5][15].

Schema Definition Language (SDL)

  • Human-Readable Format: The schema is often written in a human-readable format known as the Schema Definition Language (SDL). This language allows developers to define types and their fields in a clear and concise manner[2][5].
  • Example:
    graphql Copy
    type Book {
      title: String
      author: Author
    type Author {
      name: String
      books: [Book]
    This example defines two object types, Book and Author, and their relationship[2].

Components of a Schema

  • Object Types: These represent the main entities in your schema. For example, a User type might have fields like name and email[5][15].
  • Query and Mutation Types: These special types define the entry points for reading (queries) and writing (mutations) data. The Query type is mandatory, while the Mutation type is optional[9][15].
    graphql Copy
    type Query {
      getAllUsers: [User]
    type Mutation {
      createUser(name: String!, email: String!): User
  • Fields and Arguments: Each field in an object type can have zero or more arguments, which allow for more specific queries[15].

Best Practices

  • Consistency: Ensure naming conventions are consistent across the schema to make it easier to understand and maintain[4][6].
  • Scalability: Design the schema with future modifications in mind to avoid breaking changes[4][1...


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