Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Concurrency
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What is Gr...

Câu trả lời

A green thread is a type of thread that is managed by a runtime library or virtual machine (VM) rather than the underlying operating system (OS). Unlike native threads, which are scheduled and managed by the OS kernel, green threads are scheduled in user space. This means that the application or runtime environment is responsible for managing the execution of these threads, including context switching and scheduling.

Key Characteristics of Green Threads:

  1. User-Space Management: Green threads are managed entirely in user space, which allows them to be implemented in environments that do not support native threading. This can be particularly useful in embedded systems or older operating systems that lack robust threading support[1][3].

  2. Lightweight: Because they do not require the overhead of kernel-level context switching, green threads can be more lightweight than native threads. This allows for the creation and destruction of a large number of threads without significant performance penalties[3][4].

  3. Cooperative Concurrency: Green threads often use cooperative multitasking, where the threads themselves must yield control back to the scheduler. This is in contrast to preemptive multitasking used by native threads, where the OS can interrupt and switch between threads at any time[5][7].

  4. Limitations: One significant limitation of green threads is their inability to take full advantage of multi-core processors. Since all green threads within a process share a single OS thread, they cannot run in parallel on multiple cores, which limits their scalability and performance in multi-core environments[1][8][9].

  5. Blocking Operations: When a green thread performs a blocking operation, such as I/O, it can block all other green threads in the same process. To mitigate this, green threads often use asynchronous I/O operations or spawn separate I/O processes to handle blocking tasks[1][3].

Historical Context and Usage:

  • Java: Green threads were initially used in early versions of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) but were replaced by native threads in later versions due to their limitations in multi-core environments[8][13].
  • Other Languages: Various other programming...


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