Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Kotlin
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What is Kotlin backi...

Câu trả lời

In Kotlin, a backing field is an implicit field that is automatically generated by the compiler for properties that require storage for their values[1][2]. It is used to hold the actual value of the property in memory.

Backing fields are used in the following cases[1]:

  • When a property has a custom getter or setter defined
  • When a property is annotated with @JvmField
  • When a property is declared as a top-level property

For example, consider the following Kotlin code:

kotlin Copy
var counter = 0
  set(value) {
    if (value >= 0) 
      field = value

Here, field is a keyword that refers to the backing field of the counter property[2]. It allows you to access and modify the property's value within the custom set...



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