Câu hỏi phỏng vấn C#
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What is Marshalling a...

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Marshalling in C#

Marshalling in C# is the process of converting data from one format to another, typically between managed code (C# code running on the .NET runtime) and unmanaged code (native code like C or C++ running outside the .NET runtime). This is necessary because managed and unmanaged code have different memory layouts and data representations.

Why do we need Marshalling?

  1. Interoperability: Marshalling allows managed code to communicate with unmanaged code, enabling interoperability between .NET applications and external libraries or systems written in other languages.

  2. Platform Invocation (P/Invoke): When calling functions in unmanaged DLLs from managed code, marshalling is used to pass arguments and return values between the two environments.

  3. COM Interop: When working with Component Object Model (COM) objects from managed code, marshalling is used to convert da...



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