Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Flutter
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What is profile mode and when do you use it?

Câu trả lời

Profile mode in Flutter is used to analyze the performance of your app. It compiles and launches your application almost identically to release mode, but with just enough additional functionality to allow debugging performance problems[1][3][4].

Some key points about profile mode:

  • It provides tracing information to profiling tools like Flutter DevTools[1][4]
  • It enables some service extensions like the one that enables the performance overlay[3]
  • It's similar to release mode, but with some debugging ability maintained to profile performance[3]
  • It should be used on a physical device, not an emulator or simulator, to get accurate performance characteristics[2][4]
  • It's recommended to check performance on the slowest device that your target users might use[4]

To run your app in profile mode:

  • In VS Code, set flutterMode to profile in...


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