Câu hỏi phỏng vấn PHP
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What is the crucial difference betw...

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Here is an explanation of the key differences between using traits versus interfaces in PHP:

Traits vs Interfaces

The main differences between traits and interfaces in PHP are:


  • Traits are used to provide reusable functionality to classes. They allow you to compose functionality from multiple sources into a single class.
  • Interfaces define a contract that classes must implement. They specify a set of methods that a class must have without providing any implementation details.

Method Implementation

  • Traits can provide method bodies and concrete method implementations.
  • Interfaces cannot provide any method implementations, only method signatures.

Multiple Inheritance

  • Traits allow a class to use multiple traits, providing a way to achieve multiple inheritance of behavior.
  • Interfaces do not allow a class to implement multiple interfaces that have methods with the same name. This is to avoid naming conflicts.




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