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What is the difference between Anonymous and Named functions?

Câu trả lời

In JavaScript, the distinction between anonymous and named functions is primarily based on whether a function is declared with a name. Here's a detailed explanation of each, including their differences and specific use cases:

Named Functions

Named functions are declared with a specific name and can be defined using either function declarations or function expressions. Here are some key characteristics and advantages of named functions:

  1. Debugging: Named functions are easier to debug because their names appear in the stack trace. This makes it easier to identify where errors are occurring in the code[1][2].
  2. Hoisting: Function declarations that are named are hoisted, meaning they are available in their entire scope regardless of where they are declared. This allows them to be called before they are defined in the code[1][8].
  3. Readability and Accessibility: Having a name makes the function more readable and accessible, as the name can describe the function's purpose. This is particularly useful in larger codebases or when the function is used multiple times across the code[1].
  4. Recursion: Named functions can call themselves recursively, which is useful for operations like traversing a nested data structure or performing repetitive tasks until a condition is met[1].

Anonymous Functions

Anonymous functions, as the name suggests, are functions without a name. They can be defined using function expressions or as arrow functions introduced in ES6. Here are some characteristics and use cases for anonymous functions:

  1. Expression Context: Anonymous functions are often used in contexts where functions are used as values, such as in callbacks or event handlers. They are typically defined right at the location where they are needed, making the code concise[4][5].
  2. IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions): One common pattern with anonymous functions is the IIFE, where the function is executed right after it is defined. T...


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