Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Android
Câu hỏi

What is the difference between AsyncTask and Thread/Runnable ?

Câu trả lời

The main differences between AsyncTask and Thread/Runnable in Android are:

  1. Threading model: AsyncTask runs on a separate worker thread by default, while Thread/Runnable requires manual thread management[1][2][4].

  2. UI interaction: AsyncTask allows publishing progress updates and delivering results to the UI thread, while Thread/Runnable requires manual UI thread access using methods like View.post(Runnable)[1][4][5].

  3. Lifecycle handling: AsyncTask handles configuration changes like screen rotations automatically, while Thread/Runnable requires manual lifecycle management[1][2].

  4. Execution: AsyncTask can only be executed once, while Thread/Runnable can be reused[2][4].

  5. Limitations: AsyncTask is designed for short-running tasks (a few seconds at most), while Thread/Runnable is suitable for longer-r...



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