Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Kotlin
Câu hỏi

What is the difference between launch/jo...

Câu trả lời

The main differences between launch/join and async/await in Kotlin coroutines are:

  • launch returns a Job and is used to start a coroutine that doesn't return a result, while async returns a Deferred<T> and is used to start a coroutine that computes and returns a result[1][4][5].

  • join() is used to wait for a coroutine started with launch to complete, while await() is used to retrieve the result of a coroutine started with async[1][2][3].

  • If an exception occurs in a coroutine started with launch, it is propagated and can crash the application if not handled. With async, exceptions are stored in the Deferred and must be explicitly handled[4][5].

  • launch is useful for fire-and-forget tasks that don't need to return a value, while async is better for tasks that compute a result that will be used later[1][4].

  • Both launch and async can be used to...



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