Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Android
Câu hỏi

What is the difference between Local , ...

Câu trả lời

Here is the difference between the types of Android broadcasts:

Normal Broadcast:

  • Use sendBroadcast() to send
  • Asynchronous broadcast, any registered receiver can receive it in any order[1][2]

Ordered Broadcast:

  • Use sendOrderedBroadcast() to send
  • Synchronous broadcast, receivers get it one-by-one in priority order
  • Receivers can propagate results or abort the broadcast[1][2][4]

Local Broadcast:

  • Use LocalBroadcastManager to send and receive
  • Optimized for intra-app communication, intents don't cross process boundaries
  • Enhances security by ensuring intents can't be sent/received by other apps[5]

Sticky Broadcast:

  • Use sendStickyBroadcast() to send
  • The broadcast intent stays in a cache after delivery
  • The system re-broadcasts the sticky intent to future registrations
  • Allows quickly retrieving the last sticky broadcast[1][2][3]...


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