Câu hỏi phỏng vấn C#
Câu hỏi

What is the use of conditional...

Câu trả lời

The conditional preprocessor directives in C# allow you to selectively compile code based on specified conditions. The main directives are:

  • #if: Compiles code if the specified symbol is defined[1][3][4]
  • #elif: Closes the preceding #if and opens a new conditional compilation based on a different symbol[3][4]
  • #else: Compiles code if the preceding #if and #elif conditions are false[3][4]
  • #endif: Closes the preceding #if directive[3][4]

You can use these directives to:

  1. Compile different code for different platforms or configurations

    • Define symbols for each platform or configuration
    • Use #if to include or exclude code based on the defined symbols[1][2]
  2. Temporarily disable sections of code during debugging

    • Define a symbol like DEBUG
    • Use #if DEBUG to include debug code that is excluded in release builds[2][4]
  3. Maintain multiple versions of an application in the same codebase

    • Define symbols for each version
    • Use #if t...


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