Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Android
Câu hỏi

What types of Context do you know?

Câu trả lời

Here are the main types of Context in Android:

Application Context

  • Represents the entire application
  • Accessible from anywhere in the app
  • Useful for global state and resources
  • Persists for the lifetime of the application

Activity Context

  • Represents a specific Activity
  • Provides access to Activity-specific resources and state
  • Useful for UI interactions and local state
  • Persists for the lifetime of the Activity

Service Context

  • Represents a specific Service
  • Provides access to Service-specific resources and state
  • Useful for background tasks and long-running operations
  • Persists for the lifetime of the Service

Broadcast Context

  • Represents a specific BroadcastReceiver
  • Provides access to BroadcastReceiver-specific resources and state
  • Useful for handling system-wide events and notifications...


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