Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Greedy Algorithms
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The difference between greedy and heuristic algorithms lies in their approach to problem-solving and the guarantees they provide regarding the optimality of their solutions.

Greedy Algorithms

  1. Definition: A greedy algorithm is a problem-solving technique that makes the locally optimal choice at each step with the hope of finding a global optimum solution. It prioritizes immediate benefits over long-term consequences, making decisions based on the current situation without considering future implications[3][4][6].

  2. Characteristics:

    • Locally Optimal Choices: Greedy algorithms make decisions that seem the best at the moment without considering the overall problem[4][6].
    • No Backtracking: Once a decision is made, it is not reconsidered, even if it turns out to be suboptimal[3][4].
    • Optimal Substructure: They work well for problems where the optimal solution to the problem contains optimal solutions to its subproblems[4][6].
    • Efficiency: They are often computationally efficient and straightforward to implement[6][7].
  3. Examples:

    • Dijkstra’s algorithm for shortest paths[4][6].
    • Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms for minimum spanning trees[4][6].
    • Huffman coding for data compression[4][6].
  4. Limitations:

    • Greedy algorithms do not always guarantee the optimal solution for all problems[4][6][7].
    • They are sensitive to the order of input data and may fail for complex problems with intricate constraints[6][7].

Heuristic Algorithms

  1. Definition: A heuristic algorithm is a problem-solving technique designed to find a good enough solution in a reasonable time frame when classic methods are too slow or fail to find an exact solution. Heuristics trade optimality, completeness, accuracy, or precision for speed[1][2][5][9].

  2. Characteristics:

    • Approximate Solutions: Heuristic algorithms aim to find approximate solutions that are good enough, rather than perfect solutions[1][2][5].
    • Experience-Based: They often encode a degree of experience or rules of thumb to guide the search process[1][2][5].
    • Flexibility: Heuristics can be used alone or in combination with other optimization techniques to improve efficiency[2][5][9].
    • Admissibility: Some heuristics, like the A* search algorithm, use admissible heuristics that do not overestimate the cost of reaching the goal, ensuring optimality under certain conditions[2][5][9].
  3. Examples:

    • A* search algorithm for pathfinding[4][5][9].
    • Genetic algorithms for optimization problems[1][5][13].
    • Simulated annealing for finding global optima in large search spaces[1][5][13].
  4. Limitations:

    • Heuristic algorithms do not guarantee finding the optimal solution and may only provide approxi...


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