Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Data Structures
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What's the difference between the data structure Tree and Graph?

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The data structures of trees and graphs are fundamental in computer science, used to represent relationships and hierarchies among elements. Here are the key differences between them:

1. Definition and Basic Structure

  • Tree: A tree is a hierarchical data structure consisting of nodes connected by edges. It has a single root node and every other node has exactly one parent, creating a clear hierarchical lineage. Trees do not contain cycles, meaning there is only one path between any two nodes[1][4][5].
  • Graph: A graph is a more general data structure compared to a tree. It consists of vertices (or nodes) and edges that connect pairs of vertices. Unlike trees, graphs can have cycles, multiple paths between nodes, and do not necessarily have a hierarchical structure[1][4][5].

2. Properties

  • Root Node: Trees have a designated root node where the structure begins. Graphs do not have a root node; any node can potentially be accessed first depending on the application[1][4][5].
  • Edges and Nodes: In a tree, if there are $$ n $$ nodes, there will always be $$ n-1 $$ edges. Each node (except the root) has exactly one incoming edge (from its parent). Graphs, however, can have any number of edges, and nodes can have multiple incoming and outgoing edges[1][4][5].
  • Direction: Trees are inherently directed from the root downwards (though they can be represented as undirected for some specific needs). Graphs can be either directed or undirected[1][4][5].

3. Cycles and Connectivity

  • Cycles: Trees are acyclic by definition, which means they do not have any cycles. Graphs can include cycles, allowing for more complex connectivity[1][4][5].
  • Connectivity: Trees are always connected, meaning there is a path from the root to any other node. Graphs can be either connected or disconnected, with some nodes potentially having no path between them[1][4][5].

4. Traversal Methods

  • **Tree Traver...


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