Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Sorting
Câu hỏi

When is each Sorting algorithm used?

Câu trả lời

Here is a concise overview of when each sorting algorithm is commonly used:

Bubble Sort

  • Used for small datasets
  • When simplicity is more important than efficiency
  • When the input is already mostly sorted[1][2]

Selection Sort

  • Used for small datasets
  • When memory usage is a concern, as it is an in-place algorithm[1][2]

Insertion Sort

  • Used for small datasets
  • When the input is already mostly sorted, as it has a linear time complexity in this case[1][2][4]
  • When data is being sorted as it comes in, as it can efficiently insert new elements into a sorted list[2]

Merge Sort

  • Used for large datasets
  • When stability is required, as it is a stable sorting algorithm[1][2][4]
  • When the data is stored externally and needs to be divided and merged efficiently[2]
  • When sorting linked lists, as it can efficiently split and merge linked lists[2]

Quick Sort

  • Used for large datasets
  • When space is limited, as it is an in-place algorithm[1][2][4]
  • When the input data has many duplicates[4]

Heap Sort

  • Used for large datasets
  • When an in-place sorting algorithm is required[1][2]

Radix Sort

  • Used...


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