Câu hỏi phỏng vấn C#
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When to use ArrayLis...

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Here is my attempt at answering your C# interview question:

When to Use ArrayList over array[] in C#

In C#, the choice between using an ArrayList or a standard array (array[]) depends on the specific requirements of your application. Here are some key factors to consider:


  • ArrayList is a collection class that provides a more flexible alternative to arrays. It can dynamically resize to accommodate changes in the number of elements.
  • Arrays have a fixed size that must be specified when they are created. Adding or removing elements requires creating a new array.

Heterogeneous Data

  • ArrayList can store elements of different data types. This allows for heterogeneous collections.
  • Arrays typically store elements of a single data type. Storing different types requires using a base class type like object.


  • Arrays are generally faster and more efficient than ArrayList for operations like indexing, looping, and accessing elements. Arrays have a ...


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